100+ Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother to Keep the Smiles Going All Day

funny birthday wishes for brother


Welcome to the laughter-filled celebration of your brother’s birthday! It’s that time of the year when the quest for the perfect birthday wish becomes as epic as those childhood adventures (or misadventures) you shared. But worry not, because ‘100+ Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother’ is your ultimate arsenal to win this quest with humor and heart!


We’ve scoured through our experiences of shared sibling shenanigans and combed through the funniest anecdotes to bring you wishes that are not just funny but truly special. These wishes are a blend of chuckles and cherished memories, perfect for making your brother smile wider than ever on his big day.


Our list is tailored to tickle every type of brother – from the style-savvy to the adorable little troublemakers. And for those looking to pair their witty wishes with a gift, our handpicked, thoroughly tested gift suggestions, including the awesome ‘27 High-Quality Wallet Gift for Boyfriend Picks to Show Your Love, are just a click away.

So let’s jump right in and discover that hilariously perfect wish to keep the smiles going all day for your brother. After all, what’s a birthday without a good laugh?



How Do You Wish Your Younger Brother Happy Birthday?

When wishing your younger brother a happy birthday and want to add a funny twist, try using a funny pun or joke. For example, you could say “Happy Birthday! You’re not getting older, you’re growing up to be a superhero!”


This is a surefire way to make your younger brother laugh and put a smile on his face. Other options include saying something like “Happy Birthday! Now that you are one year older, it’s time to start acting your age!” or “Happy Birthday! May all of your wishes come true”. No matter what you choose, you can be sure that your younger brother will appreciate the sentiment and laugh at the funny twist.


Overall, learning about funny birthday wishes for brother is important for siblings as it allows them to show their brother how much they care about him and make his birthday extra special. By using humor, you can make the message even more meaningful and memorable. So don’t be afraid to get creative and have some fun when wishing your brother a happy birthday! He’ll appreciate it more than you know.


younger brothers


Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother Who is Younger (from Sister)

Happy birthday, brother! You remind me of a monkey—I just can’t keep my eyes off you! Enjoy your birthday cake.


Happy birthday, brother!

I’m so glad you were born! (Well, not really glad, but you know what I mean.) You’ve always been a pain in the ass, and I’m sure you will continue to be one for years to come. But that’s why I love you! (Or maybe it’s just because I’m your sister and I have to love you.) Anyway, have a brilliant birthday, and may all of your wishes come true… except for that one where you become taller than me. I’ll never let that happen!


I wish you a very Happy birthday brother!

You’re another year older, but you’ll always be my little brother. I hope this year brings you lots of joy and happiness. I’m so lucky to have you as my brother, and I cherish all of our memories together. I know that we don’t always see eye to eye, but I love you unconditionally. No matter what, I’ll always be here for you. I hope you have a birthday that’s as wonderful as you are. Love always, your big sister.


Happy birthday to my favorite pain in the butt!

I hope this year brings you lots of reasons to size up your age – because that means you’re finally growing up! I’ve got my eye on you, so don’t get too comfortable in that big brother chair just yet. In the meantime, enjoy your special day and make sure to eat plenty of cake for me! Love you always, your pain-in-the-butt sister.


younger brothers


Hilarious Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother who is Younger (from Sister)

Happy birthday to my dear brother!

You are another year older, and I am still the superior sibling! I hope you have a fantastic day and enjoy every minute of it. You deserve it, after putting up with me for all these years! Here’s to hoping that this next year is even better than the last. Love you always, your pain-in-the-neck sister.


Happy birthday, brother!

You are officially one year closer to 30! I remember when you were born, our parents were so excited to have a baby boy in the family. And now look at you, all grown up! It seems like only yesterday you were learning how to walk and talk.

Now you’re out in the world, making your own way. I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. I hope this next year is full of all the things you love – good health, happiness, and lots of cake, of course! Have a wonderful day, and don’t let getting older cramp your style. You’re still my baby brother, no matter how old you get!


If anyone knows how to vex and annoy, it’s you, dear brother.

But that’s only because I love you so much. So on this special day, I hope you get everything you wish for…except for peace and quiet! Happy birthday!


very happy birthday


Cheeky and Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother who is Younger (from Sister)

May your birthday be filled with all the joy, laughter and love that you bring into my life every day. And if that’s not enough, I’ve also got you a great big cake to help celebrate. Happy birthday, brother!


On this special day, I want to let you know that no matter how old you get, you’ll always be my little brother. So enjoy your birthday…and try not to stay out too late! Happy birthday, brother!


Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your special day. And in case that’s not enough, I’ve also thrown in a bunch of presents. Happy birthday!


I’m so grateful to have a wonderful brother like you in my life. And on your birthday, I want to let you know just how much I love you. Happy birthday!


lovely brother


Creative and Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother who is Younger (from Sister)

I wish you a very Happy birthday, little brother!

It’s hard to believe another year has gone by already. You’re not so little anymore, but you’ll always be my baby brother. I hope this year brings you all the joy and happiness you deserve. You’re one of the most special people in my life, and I feel lucky to be able to call you my brother. I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are.

Love always, your big sister.


Happy birthday to my dear brother!

I hope this year brings you all the joy, happiness and success that you deserve. I also hope that you don’t get too cheeky or else I’ll have to give you a good smack! 😉 Just kidding, I love you no matter what. Have a great day and enjoy every minute! xoxo


Happy birthday, brother!

It seems like only yesterday you were born, and now you’re already a year older! Time really does fly! I hope this next year is filled with lots of laughter and fun. You’re always such a joy to be around, and I cherish our time together. I’m so grateful to have you as my brother, and I look forward to many more years of making memories together. So have a happy birthday and enjoy every minute! Love always, your big sister.


Happy birthday, brother!

I hope this year is as wonderful as you are. You’ve always been the hair to my head and the twinkle in my eye. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thanks for always being there for me, even when I’m being a pain.

I hope your birthday is as special as you are to me.

Love you tons!


little brother


More Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother who is Younger (from Sister)

Happy birthday, dear brother!

You’re another year older and that means you’re one step closer to becoming a card-carrying member of the old folks’ club.

But don’t worry, you’ve still got plenty of time to enjoy being young and carefree. Just remember to stay out of trouble and keep mom and dad happy.

And speaking of mom and dad, make sure you give them a big hug and kiss from me on their birthdays too.

Love always, your biggest sister.


Happy birthday to my dear brother!

I’m so glad you were born, even though it means I have to share our parents’ attention (and presents) with you. I hope you have a wonderful day, and that all of your birthday wishes come true.

Just remember, even though you’re a year older today, you’ll always be my little brother.

Love always, your big sister.


kid brother


Best Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother who is Younger (from Brother)

Happy birthday, younger brother!

You’re another year older today, which means you’re closer to becoming an old man yourself. But don’t worry, you’ve still got plenty of time to enjoy being young and irresponsible.

I hope you have a fantastic day, and I look forward to giving you a hard time for the next 365 days.

Love you always!


Happy birthday, younger brother!

Another year older, another year wiser… not!

Just kidding, bro. Seriously though, happy birthday, brother. You may not be as old as you’re going to get, but you’re definitely older than you used to be. And that’s something to celebrate! So make sure you enjoy your special day to the fullest. Live it up like there’s no tomorrow, because there isn’t… at least not until next year.

And then we’ll do it all over again. In the meantime, I hope this birthday is everything you’ve ever wanted and more.

From your ever-loving (and slightly older) brother.


Happy birthday, younger brother!

I hope this year is full of all the things you love: video games, junk food, and staying up late. I also hope it’s devoid of anything you don’t love: like getting older, growing up, and responsibility. In other words, I hope it’s exactly like every other year!

Just kidding… sort of.

I really do hope you have a brilliant birthday, and that all your wishes come true… even the ones that involve getting older, growing up, and taking on more responsibility.

After all, that’s what birthdays are for: making wishes and seeing them come true. So make a wish for yourself… and for me too while you’re at it! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, younger brother! It’s hard to believe another year has gone by already. It seems like only yesterday you were born. Now you’re a year older and (hopefully) a little wiser. I don’t know what the next year has in store for you, but I’m sure it will be full of surprises. Just remember, no matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you. In the meantime, enjoy your birthday and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Love ya!


happy birthday


Cheeky and Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother who is Younger (from Brother)

Well, another year has gone by, and you’re still sporting that same great hairstyle! I’m glad to see you haven’t let age slow you down too much.

Keep up the good work and maybe one day you’ll catch up to me! In all seriousness, though, happy birthday, younger brother. I hope this next year is full of all the things you love most. I’ll be sure to give you a call on your birthday so we can catch up and share a laugh or two. I love you, bro. Have the best day ever!


Happy Birthday, brother! It seems like only yesterday you were born. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, eh? Anyway, I hope you have a very great birthday and enjoy every minute of it. You deserve it, after putting up with me all these years! Just kidding, of course. I’m really glad to have you as my brother and I’m looking forward to many more years of sibling shenanigans. So let’s make this year the best one yet, shall we? party on!


To the little brother who always managed to drive me up the wall: happy birthday! I hope this year brings you everything that you’ve been wanting. And by “everything,” I mean fewer messes for me to clean up and more General Mill’s cereal in the cupboard. I’m kidding, sort of. But seriously, happy birthday and lots of love. May your days be filled with laughter and all the good things in life. Except for brussels sprouts. Those things are vile. Anyway, enjoy your day!


Happy birthday, brother! I hope this year brings you all the joy, happiness, and mischief that you can handle. You’re one of the most important people in my life, and I’m so grateful to have you as my brother. I know that we don’t always see eye to eye, but I love you no matter what. So have a blast on your special day, and I’ll see you soon!

Love always,

Your big brother


happy birthday wishes


Another year older, and you’re still the annoying little brother. But I guess that’s what I love about you. You’re always keeping me on my toes. I don’t know how Mom and Dad put up with you all these years, but I’m glad they did. Otherwise, I would have been stuck with all the responsibility. Just kidding! Happy birthday, brother. Can’t wait to see what trouble you get yourself into this year. Love you!


It’s hard to believe that it’s been another year already. Time really does fly when you’re having fun (or when you’re trying to keep up with your big brother). Anyway, I hope you have a great birthday. I’ll try to make it back home for your birthday party this year, but no promises. In the meantime, enjoy your day and make sure you get lots of cake. And if you don’t get cake, well, that’s what older brothers are for…to give you cake when mom forgets. Happy birthday, brother!


Happy Birthday, brother! It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by already. It feels like just yesterday you were a precocious little kid, and now you’re a full-fledged adult. well, almost. You’ve still got some growing up to do. But that’s okay, because I’ll always be there to help you along the way. Just like I did when I gave you that wedgie on your seventh birthday. Or when I broke your favorite toy on purpose. Or when I took your cake and ate it in front of you. I’m just kidding, of course. I would never do any of those things…on your birthday. So enjoy this special day, little brother. And don’t worry, I’ll always be there to make it just a little bit more memorable. Love ya!


Dear brother, hope you have a great birthday! You’re another year older, which means you’re one step closer to being an old man like me. Just kidding, enjoy your youth while you can. I remember being your age – it was the best time of my life. Make sure you live it up and party hard on your special day. And don’t worry, I’ll be sure to keep the beer cold for when you’re legal. Cheers!


Happy Birthday, brother! It’s hard to believe that another year has passed and you’re still so annoying. But I guess that’s just a testament to your tenacity. I hope this next year is full of all the things you love: frogs, video games and farting in public. And just in case you were wondering, no, you’re not too old for a wedgie. Love always, your big brother.


happy birthday dear brother


How Do You Wish Your Older Brother Happy Birthday?

You can send him funny birthday wishes if you follow the same tips as you would for a younger brother. However, since your older brother is likely more mature than your younger brother, the message may need to be slightly different. For example, instead of saying “Happy Birthday, brother! You’re not getting older, you’re growing up to be a superhero!” try something like “Happy Birthday, brother! With age comes wisdom, so I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out the answer to all of life’s questions now!”. This is a great way to add humor while still being respectful.


happy birthday brother


Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother Who is Older (from Sister)

Happy Birthday, dearest brother! I hope this birthday is as fun and exciting as you are…old! Ha ha, just kidding. You’re not that old. But you are getting up there in age, so I thought I’d give you an extra special birthday wish. Here’s to hoping you have many more birthdays to come! Oh, and one more thing – don’t forget to eat your vegetables!


Happy Birthday, elder brother! I don’t know how you made it to this ripe old age, but I’m glad you’re here. You’ve been a pain in the butt since day one, and I’m sure that’s not going to change now. But I love you anyway. Here’s to hoping you have many more birthdays to come!


Happy Birthday, dearest brother.

You’re getting old! I hope you have a great day and enjoy your special day!


Happy Birthday, brother!

I hope this year is as good as the last one (which was pretty terrible, if you ask me). Funny birthday wishes are as much for you as they are for me. So, here’s to another year of surviving your shenanigans! Enjoy the cake and don’t forget to bring home presents for all of us! Love you like crazy!


funny wishes


Cheeky Birthday Wishes for Brother Who is Older (from Sister)

Happy Birthday, brother!

Thanks for always being there for me, even when I’m a total pain in the ass. I know you’re not exactly thrilled that I’m one year closer to taking over your precious throne, but I promise to make it easy on you. I’ll even let you be the boss of me for a day!


I wish you a very happy birthday, brother! I’m so glad you were born! And I’m even happier that you’re still alive! Ha ha ha! Have a great day!


Happy birthday, dear brother! I hope this year is as wonderful as you are! I’m so glad you were born – you make life a lot more fun. Thanks for always being there for me, even when I drive you crazy. I’m so lucky to have you as my brother!


Happy birthday, dearest brother! Here’s to hoping that this year you finally learn how to use the internet and get a job. Ha ha, just kidding! We love you no matter what. Have a great day!


Happy Birthday, bro! I hope this year is as good as the last one, which is to say, pretty terrible.

You’re getting old, but at least you can still party like a rockstar!


funny birthday wishes


Hilarious Birthday Wishes for Brother Who is Older (from Sister)

Happy Birthday, brother! I don’t know how you do it, but you just keep getting better with age.

I’m so glad we share the same birthday – it’s like we have our own little secret, just between the two of us.

I hope this year is as good as the last – and I’m pretty sure it will be, because you’re one of the luckiest people alive.

Keep being amazing, and don’t ever change (just like Mom always says)!

Lots of love, your sister


Dear elder Brother,

I hope you have a fantastic day! I’m so glad you were born- it’s always so much fun to torture you!

I’m glad you’re my brother and I love you (even though you’re a pain in the ass sometimes).

I wish you a very Happy Birthday, brother!

P.S. Make sure to eat all your veggies on your birthday- Mom says you’re getting a little too skinny!


I hope you have an amazing birthday today, older brother! I’m so glad you were born!

I know you’re getting old now, but you’re still the best older brother a girl could ask for.

Happy Birthday, brother!


dearest brother


Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother Who is Elder from Brother

Happy Birthday, elder Brother! I hope this birthday is as good as you deserve it to be. I mean, you’re old now, so it’s time to start enjoying your retirement. Ha ha! Just kidding, you’re not even close to retirement age! You might be old, but you’re still young at heart. Well, sort of. I guess what I’m trying to say is, have a great birthday and don’t let the fact that you’re getting older bother you too much.


Dear elder Brother,

Happy Birthday!

I hope this birthday is as good as you can handle!

You’re getting old now so I’m sure you’ll appreciate it!

Party hard and enjoy your day!

Love, Younger Brother


Happy Birthday, elder Brother from Brother! I hope this birthday is as good as you deserve! You’re one of the most fun people to annoy ever and I’m really going to miss that when you’re gone. But I guess I’ll just have to find a new person to pick on. Enjoy your birthday and have lots of fun!


Happy Birthday, elder Brother! I hope this year is as good as the last, which was pretty great. I mean, you finally got that promotion at work and Mom stopped asking when you’re going to get married already. Anyway, I’m glad you’re my brother and not my dad – he’s always giving me a hard time. Have a great day!


dear brother


Cheeky Birthday Wishes for Brother Who is Elder from Brother

Happy Birthday, elder brother! I hope this year is as good as the last one–which is to say, not very good at all. Ha ha ha! I don’t know how you keep managing to turn another year older, but I’m glad you’re still here. (Please don’t die soon.)

I guess that means you’re getting better at everything, like being annoying and making life difficult. But who am I kidding? You’ll always be the best at that!

I hope you have a great birthday, filled with lots of cake and presents and other things that make you happy. Just don’t expect me to do any of the celebrating–I’m far too busy being bitter and jealous.

Happy Birthday, bro!


Happy Birthday, elder Brother! I hope this year is as good as the last one—you know, when you turned 56 and started to look like a total badass. Keep up the good work! You’re the best role model a brother could ask for. Thanks for always being there for me, even when I’m being a pain in the ass. I hope you have a great day, filled with all the things you love. Cake, beer, and more cake!


Happy Birthday, elder Brother! I hope this birthday is as good as you deserve. You’re old enough now to know what you really want, and I can guarantee that you won’t find it in a store. So I’ve got a little something special for you. It’s a brand new world called “The Internet.” I’m sure you’ll love it!


brother birthday wishes


Short Funny Birthday Wishes for Awesome Brother

Happy birthday, bro! I’m so glad you were born! Without you, the world would be a much duller place. Thanks for being such a great brother to me. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!


Happy birthday, little bro! I’m glad you were born. It’s always more fun when you’re around. I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re my best friend and I love you.


Happy birthday, bro! I’m glad you were born… because that means more beer for me!

Here’s to hoping you have a memorable birthday and an even better year!

May your birthday be the start of a great year full of happiness, good health, and lots of amazing adventures!

Crank it up to eleven on your birthday, dude!

Wishing you a birthday that’s as awesome as you are!


Happy birthday, dear brother! I’m so glad you were born! You’re the only person in the world who can make me laugh until I cry. I hope your birthday is as much fun as you are!


Happy birthday, little brother! I’m so glad you were born! (Just kidding, I’m glad I was born.) You’re the best brother a girl could ask for. You always know how to make me laugh, and I can always count on you to give me good advice. I hope you have a memorable birthday!

birthday wishes


Happy Birthday Quotes to Add As Your Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother

“Happy birthday, younger brother. You don’t look a day over fabulous.” – unknown


Happy birthday, dearest brother!

“A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” – Robert Frost


Happy birthday, dearest brother!

“Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.” – Unknown


Happy birthday, brother!

“I’m not saying that at a certain age it’s natural to become invisible, but it certainly helps.” – George Burns


Dear brother, happy birthday!

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain


Happy birthday, big brother!

“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” – Oscar Wilde


I wish you a very happy birthday!

“You know you’re getting old when you get that one candle on the cake that starts to melt from the heat of all the others.” – Jerry Seinfeld


I wish you a very happy birthday!

“I’m not old, I’m vintage.” -Author Unknown


My dearest younger brother, happy birthday!

“You’re only as old as the woman you feel.” -Bob Hope


Happy birthday, little brother!

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” -Mark Twain


Happy birthday, little brother!

“Don’t worry about getting old, worry about getting fat.” -Author Unknown


Happy birthday, little brother!

“I’m not aging, I’m maturing.” – Unknown


Happy birthday, little brother!

“If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should never grow old.” – James A. Garfield


I wish you a very happy birthday, little brother!

“Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most birthdays live the longest.” – Unknown


Heart-touching birthday wishes are not my style. Happy birthday, little brother.

“You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.” – Unknown


My dearest younger brother, happy birthday!

“Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.” -Michael LeBoeuf


All the best wishes and rock your birthday party!

“A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun.” -Unknown


My dearest younger brother, happy birthday!

“May your birthday be filled with the special kind of happiness that comes from knowing you’re loved and cherished.” -Unknown


Happy birthday, little brother.

“Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough.” -Groucho Marx


Happy belated birthday, little brother!

“The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.” -George Burns


My dearest younger brother, happy birthday!

“I’m very sentimental. I love birthdays and anniversaries. I especially love New Year’s Eve because it’s a time when you can start fresh.”-Andy Warhol


Happy birthday, little brother!

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”-Mark Twain


Enjoy your birthday party!

“The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.”-Henny Youngman


My dearest younger brother, happy birthday!

“The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.” – H.L. Mencken


Have a wonderful birthday!

“Women don’t want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think – in a deeper voice.” – Bill Cosby


Happy birthday, little brother!

“I don’t know how old I am, but I’m pretty sure it’s against the law to be this happy.” – Betty White


It’s my brother’s birthday! You are still my younger sibling!

“It’s not how old you are, it’s how you are old.” – Jules Renard


Happy birthday, little brother!

“You’re only as old as the woman you feel.” – Mae West


birthday wishes for brother


Happy birthday, you are such an awesome brother!

“Age is just a number, and mine is unlisted.” – Unknown


My dearest younger brother, happy birthday!

“Age is just a number. It’s how you feel that counts.” -Albert Einstein


Happy birthday, bro!

“Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.” -Cora Harvey Armstrong


Happy birthday, big bro!

“I’m not aging, I’m marinating.” – Unknown


Happy birthday, little brother!

“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.” – Michelangelo


Happy birthday, little brother!

“Happy birthday! Now that you’re another year older, you’re entitled to another year of misery.” – Unknown


Happy birthday, little brother!

“It’s your birthday? I thought you were just really ugly.” – Craig Ferguson


“Happy birthday! Now that you’re an adult, you can finally start drinking liquor and voting.” – Zach Galifianakis


Belated birthday wishes, little brother!

“Another year older, but hopefully not much wiser.” – Unknown


Happy birthday, little brother!

“Many happy returns of the day. I hope this is the beginning of a trend where each successive year is worse than the one before it.” – P.J. O’Rourke


“Happy birthday, bro. You don’t look a day over 40.” – Anonymous


Happy birthday, little brother!

“You’re only as old as the woman you feel.” – Mae West


Belated birthday wishes, little brother!

“Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.” – Unknown


birthday wish


How Do You Wish Your Brother Annoying Happy Birthday?


“Happy birthday to my annoying brother! May this year bring you more joy, laughter, and satisfaction than ever before!”


“Happy Birthday to my one-of-a-kind brother! I hope today is full of fun and laughter that will last until next year’s celebration.”


“Happy Birthday to my dear brother! Wishing you all the best on this special day and may it be filled with joy and laughter!”


“Happy Birthday, annoying brother! You’re getting older, but I know you’ll stay young at heart.”


“Happy Birthday to my brother who always knows how to annoy me! Wishing you an amazing day and a great year ahead!”


“Happy birthday to the most annoying brother ever! I hope you have an amazing day full of fun and laughter!”


awesome brother


How Do I Wish My Crazy Brother Happy Birthday?

“Happy Birthday to my crazy brother! Wishing you an awesome day full of fun and lots of laughter. May your year be filled with joy and happiness!”


“Happy Birthday, wild brother! May this day be as exciting as you are, and may the coming year bring you all the success you deserve.”


“Happy Birthday to my one-of-a-kind brother! May this day be as wacky and wonderful as you are, and may the coming year bring only good things your way.”


“Happy Birthday, crazy brother! Wishing you a wild and wonderful day, filled with lots of laughter and joy. Have a great one!”


“Happy Birthday to my wild and crazy brother! Here’s to another year of craziness, excitement, and fun. May you have an amazing day!” Enjoy your special day!


“Happy Birthday to my crazy brother! Wishing you an awesome day full of fun and lots of laughter. May your year be filled with joy and happiness!” Have a great one!



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