About us

Welcome to Presently Surprise – where gift-giving becomes a delightful adventure! I’m Will, your chief gift curator and the heart behind this little corner of joy on the internet.


🎁 Our Journey: A Tale of Unexpected Expertise

Okay, let’s get this straight: I didn’t major in “Giftology” or “Present Sciences” at university (I’m not sure those exist yet!). But what I lack in formal education, I more than make up for with a natural knack for sniffing out the perfect gifts. My journey into the world of gifts started with a simple realization: I just love seeing people smile when they open a present that screams “this is so YOU!” Combining this passion with a flair for unique interior designs – which you’ll definitely see reflected in our gift selections – Presently Surprise was born!



🌟 Experience & Expertise: More Than Just Guesswork

While I might not have a PhD in Presentology, I’ve spent countless hours exploring, selecting, and sharing gifts that hit the right note. My team and I have an eagle eye for the latest trends, the coolest gadgets, and the most heartwarming classics. Whether it’s a quirky gadget for tech lovers or a bespoke piece of art for the decor-enthusiast in your life, we’ve got it all.


Authoritativeness: We’re Kind of a Big Deal (In a Humble Way)

Presently Surprise isn’t just another gift website. We’ve been featured on MSN, and our Gift Wiki area is a treasure trove of knowledge about gift etiquettes and ideas. Our blog is bustling with tips, tricks, and tales that make gift-giving a breeze.


🔒 Trust: Your Go-To Gift Gurus

We believe in transparency, fun, and a bit of magic. Our selections are curated with love and an eye for detail. And hey, if you ever need a hand or have a question, we’re just an email or call away. Your trust is our top priority, and we’re here to make your gift-giving journey as joyous as the gifts themselves.


Get in Touch:


🎉 So, Why Presently Surprise?

Because we’re all about surprises that bring joy. From thoughtfully picked gifts, suitable quotes and messages to brighten your day, to our handy Gift Wiki for all your gift-related queries – we’ve got it all. And remember, here at Presently Surprise, every day is an occasion waiting to be celebrated.

Let’s make gift-giving fun, personal, and absolutely unforgettable!


With joy, Will